Wowza what a great day! The talent show was a huge success. The students had the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of their peers. Then the color run was so much fun and to have the community their made it even better!! Always remember once a wildcat always a wildcat. Have a great summer!!☀️
over 1 year ago, North Shore Plaza
color run
color run
color run
color run
color run
color run
color run
color run
color run
color run
NSP 5th grade had Teach the Teacher (and the rest of the class) Day! The kids picked something they enjoy or are really good at to teach the class. We learned a new card game, how to paint a dinosaur, how to draw Godzilla, all about horses, mini cows and tractors, all about MJ and the Chicago Bulls, MN Vikings, about all kinds of dogs,and even how to show a goat at the fair!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Grubb
First and fifth grade buddies enjoyed some sunshine and cool treats as we near the end of the school year!
over 1 year ago, Vangelis Thompson
first and fifth grade buddies
First grade has been learning all about animal habitats and to wrap up our unit we created some dioramas!
over 1 year ago, Vangelis Thompson
Big shout out to these two ladies for being so awesome. Thanks to Barbara and Ruth for all you do for our staff and students.
over 1 year ago, North Shore Plaza
The fourth graders created their own Rube Goldberg chain reaction machines in science. These students showed GRIT and perseverance, while also having tons of fun!! We even got a photo with the Easter Bunny. Thanks for the student council for the great assembly today!
over 1 year ago, North Shore Plaza Wildcats
FYI- North Shore Plaza "Awards Night" for sports and music will be April 26 @ 6PM.
over 1 year ago, NSP Athletics
awards night
Mark your calendars, the NSP spring concert is a little over a month away!
over 1 year ago, Jordan Titus
concert flyer
NSP Prom - Saturday, April 15, 2023
over 1 year ago, NSP High School
Prom Information
NSP - Students in grades 7-12 were given permission slips regarding our upcoming celebration at White Shield on May 3rd. The criteria for attending are passing all classes, no missing assignments, no office referrals between now and the trip, and fewer than three tardies between now and the trip. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Mrs. Hochhalter
over 1 year ago, North Shore Plaza
White Shield Field Trip
NSP had a Living Museum put on by Miss Huus's sixth-grade students. The community and students all enjoyed the different historical characters.
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Huus
living museum
living museum
living museum
living museum
living museum
living museum
living museum
living museum
living museum
living museum
FYI NSP: DATE CHANGE- 5/6 Boys Basketball will NOT play Friday, March 31. That game is rescheduled to April 21 in Plaza. 4pm.
over 1 year ago, NSP Athletics
NSP - Parent Teacher conferences are Tuesday, February 28, and Thursday, March 2nd, from 3:30 - 6:30. Please sign up using the following link:
almost 2 years ago, North Shore Plaza
NSP staff attended an inservice at ORCS. They participated in a Health for Students: Interactive Simulation for At-Risk Mental Health for Students: Interactive Simulation.
almost 2 years ago, North Shore Plaza
 Health for Students: Interactive Simulation Grade Span: PreK-2  Kognito At-Risk Mental Health for Students: Interactive Simulation
 Health for Students: Interactive Simulation Grade Span: PreK-2  Kognito At-Risk Mental Health for Students: Interactive Simulation
NSP. Sorry for the second announcement, but all 7-12 students at NSP need to turn in computers on Wednesday.
about 2 years ago, North Shore Plaza
All students in Grades 7-12 MUST leave their computers at school over the winter break. 7-9 will put them in their charge carts, 10-12 will leave them in their homeroom. Don't forget to bring your charges so they can charge over break.
about 2 years ago, North Shore Plaza
Lady Wildcats game for Thursday, December 15 at Plaza has been postponed due to weather. Stay safe!
about 2 years ago, NSP Athletics
Due to continued road and weather concerns, there will be no school tomorrow, Thursday (12-15)
about 2 years ago, North Shore Plaza
​To allow for snow removal, school will resume TWO HOURS LATE Thursday, 12-15-22​
about 2 years ago, North Shore Plaza
school resumes
Due to Poor weather conditions, there will be no school or activities on Wednesday, December 14.
about 2 years ago, North Shore Plaza