Bomber Nation 11th and 12th graders were able to attend Minot State University's Futurepalooza on Thursday. This event, which is annually attended by over 700 area students, brings in businesses and colleges and universities from across North Dakota, and even a few from out of state, to meet with students. On the main floor of the MSU dome, businesses ranging from Butler Machinery and the Game and Fish Department to Trinity Health and KMOT had tables set up and representatives were able to meet with students and talk about the kinds of jobs they had to offer and the skills students would need to work in those fields. On the third floor of the dome over 20 colleges and universities and the National Guard were set up to provide students with information about the different programs and scholarships they had to offer. It was a really great experience for all of our students to be able to meet with these representatives and begin to explore their possibilities beyond high school!

Futurepalooza at MSU
September 15, 2022