
The junior high has been having some hands-on fun in science class this week by working on several different experiments.  In the seventh grade STEM class, students are learning about the scientific method and setting up a proper experiment by forming a hypothesis and conclusion.  They are researching to see how many drops of water a penny will hold.  Next, they will form a hypothesis on how this will compare to how much water a quarter, nickel, and dime can hold.  They are excited to see the results!

In eighth grade Earth Science, students have been creating alka-seltzer rockets.  They are looking at the relationship between the water being added and the time it takes for the rocket to launch.  Each student came up with their hypothesis and procedures to test the hypothesis.  They are gathering data and making tables and graphs to chart.  They will use this information to see if their hypothesis is supported or disproved.

Enjoy some pictures of our young scientists at work!