The Lewis and Clark boys' sports teams will proudly adopt LONGHORNS as their new nickname starting next school year. The LCSD school board unanimously approved the change last night after a public vote showed Longhorns as the preferred choice, winning 56% to 44% over Nighthawks. With the new name officially in place, the district's next step will be designing a logo and mascot to bring the Longhorns' identity to life.
9 days ago, Marc Ritteman
LCSD - Early Out Wednesday, Jan 8th. School dismisses at 1:30pm.
16 days ago, Lewis and Clark School District
Reminder LCSD School Resumes tomorrow 8:30am!
22 days ago, Lewis and Clark School District
school resumes
Tomorrow, 12/19/24, school and buses will be two hours late.
about 1 month ago, Marc Ritteman
After two days, Longhorns leads Nighthawks. Longhorns - 62% Nighthawks - 38% If you haven't voted this week, click here-->
about 1 month ago, Marc Ritteman
Results of first round of voting. Longhorns - 35% Nighthawks - 21.7% Badgers - 15.1% Trailblazers - 14.5% Grizzlies - 13.6% Longhorns and Nighthawks advance to the second round. The top vote-getter will be submitted to the board at the January meeting. The survey will close on Sunday. Click here to vote -->
about 1 month ago, Marc Ritteman
What a great turn out for the 4/5/6 Lewis and Clark boys basketball team. So excited for these boys and the coaches.
about 1 month ago, North Shore Plaza
205 Responses so far. Survey closes on Sunday. Top two will be sent out for round 2 36.6% - Longhorns 22.9% - Night Hawks 15.6% - Badgers 14.6% - Trailblazers 10.2% - Grizzlies
about 1 month ago, Marc Ritteman
The Lewis and Clark School District is creating a new boys coop between North Shore Plaza and Berthold. The new coop will have a new nickname and mascot. A committee has narrowed the possible names down to five. The public will now vote on their preference for the new nickname. There will be two rounds of voting. Round 1 begins today and will close this Sunday, 12/15 at 11:59pm. The top two vote-getters from Round 1 will be sent back to the public for a final vote. The winner of the final vote will be submitted to the Board at the January meeting. Please vote for your preference here -->
about 1 month ago, Marc Ritteman
There will be an open gym for all boys in grades 4-6 interested in basketball on THURSDAY in Plaza from 5:30-7:00. Adam Lee will be running the open gym. There will be a bus for Berthold boys leaving Berthold School at 5:00 and returning by about 7:30. If you would like your son to attend or are interested in receiving info about future open gyms, please email Mr. Ritteman and he'll add you to the group chat.
about 2 months ago, Marc Ritteman
Open Gym
The Lewis and Clark boys sports nickname committee met and identified five names to submit to the board. (meeting Dec.10) 1) Longhorns 2) Trailblazers 3) Badgers 4) Night Hawks 5) Grizzlies The board will determine which names and how many to send out to the public for a vote.
about 2 months ago, Marc Ritteman
11/20/24 - Due to poor travel conditions, there will be NO SCHOOL or activities today.
2 months ago, Marc Ritteman
No School
Tomorrow, Wednesday 11/20/24, school and buses will be two hours late. No morning practices or activities.
2 months ago, Marc Ritteman
2 hours late
11/19/24 - Due to the potential for difficult driving conditions later this afternoon, we will DISMISS at 1:00 today. There will be no after school program and all activities are canceled.
2 months ago, Marc Ritteman
Early Release
The time and date for graduation was set at the last board meeting. Berthold: May 18 at 1:00 NSP: May 18 at 3:00
2 months ago, Marc Ritteman
LCSD Boys Sports Nickname Committee Established -->
2 months ago, Marc Ritteman
CO-OP Update -->
4 months ago, Marc Ritteman
Message from the Board on Sports Coop -->
4 months ago, Marc Ritteman
2024-25 School Calendar -->
11 months ago, Marc Ritteman